Finkelstein Sidney Superbosses. How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent

Finkelstein Sidney Superbosses. How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent

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A fascinating exploration of the world’s most effective bosses — and how they motivate, inspire, and enable others to advance their companies and shape entire industries, by the author of How Smart Executives Fail. A must-read for anyone interested in leadership and building an enduring pipeline of talent. What coach Bill Walsh, restaurateur Alice Waters, television executive Lorne Michaels, technology CEO Larry Ellison, and fashion pioneer Ralph Lauren have in common? On the surface, not much, other than consistent success in their fields. But below the surface, they share a common approach to finding, nurturing, leading, and even letting go of great people. The way they deal with talent makes them not merely success stories, not merely organization builders, but what.Sydney Finkelstein calls super bosses. After ten years of research and more than two hundred interviews, Finkelstein — an acclaimed professor at Dartmouth’s Tuck.School of Business, speaker, and executive coach and consultant — discovered that superbosses exist in nearly every industry. If you study the top fifty any field, as many as one-third will have once worked for a superboss. While superbosses differ in their personal styles, they all focus on identifying promising newcomers, inspiring their best work, and launching them into highly successful careers — while also expanding their own networks and building stronger companies. Among the practices that distinguish superbosses:They Create Master-Apprentice Relationships.Superbosses customize their coaching to what each.protege really needs, and also are constant founts of practical wisdom. Advertising legend Jay Chi at not only worked closely with each of his employees but.would sometimes extend their discussions into the night.They Rely on the Cohort Effect.Superbosses strongly encourage collegiality even as they internal competition. At Lorne Michaels’s Saturday Night Live, writers and performers are judged by how much of their material actually gets

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