G. Jack Wren Shock the Wheat. Helping Jesus Seek and Save the Lost

G. Jack Wren Shock the Wheat. Helping Jesus Seek and Save the Lost

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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The idea for this book was born in a wheat field on a hot summer day. An eleven-year-old boy was told to forget the sweat bees, the hot sun, the itching wheat heads, and to “shock the wheat.” This was but the first of many profound moments that God used to change a lost boy into a witness of God’s love and His power to save. In Shock the Wheat, author Jack Wren points out the way God used a wheat field, a cemetery, a revival tent, a quarter hour, a hospital room, a midnight word, and the power of God’s word to lead a humble man to become a “fisher of men.” The Christian life is filled with many distractions, but there is one essential truth. Jesus is the way to the Father’s house (John 14:14). Therefore we must keep our eyes on the Good Shepherd and follow in His footsteps. Shock the Wheat is a testimony to the providence of God, the patient persistence of the Holy Spirit, the power in the Word of God to work change in a person’s life, and the blessedness of the purpose of God when it unfolds in faithful living and a joyful ministry.

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