M. L. Davis Pieces

M. L. Davis Pieces

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Put Your Life Back Together With This New Book Author from Louisiana shares her views and experiences about losing loved ones and recovering effectively from the lossMetairie, LA - (Release Date November 1, 2006) - The death of a loved one is undoubtedly the most painful event in any person's life. The survivors can be left with deep pain and regret which often prevent them from moving on with life. For award-winning author M.L. Davis, this book became one woman's attempt to write her way through pain and sorrow, and the writing gave her the ability to cope with her loss and the realities of life we all must face. The result is a powerful book Pieces, released through Xlibris.Based on the author's experience, Pieces is a chronological account of a period in a woman's life during which life-altering events take place. The story leads the reader on a journey through emotions and lessons experienced by a woman coping with loss while attempting to live her life passionately and effectively.People who have suffered a personal loss or tragedy will be able to relate to this book as it focuses on the many aspects of life like marriage, death, divorce, and relationships. It offers readers coping skills for dealing with their loss and moving on with their lives. Pieces is a well-written, heartwarming book that you cannot afford to miss. To order a copy, feel free to visit your local bookstore or go online at Xlibris.com today.

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