Ana Enriqueta Terán, Marcel Smith The Poetess Counts to 100 and Bows Out. Selected Poems by Ana Enriqueta Teran

Ana Enriqueta Terán, Marcel Smith The Poetess Counts to 100 and Bows Out. Selected Poems by Ana Enriqueta Teran

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Книга "The Poetess Counts to 100 and Bows Out. Selected Poems by Ana Enriqueta Terán".Ana Enriqueta Terán is arguably Venezuela's finest poet. Celebrated throughout the Spanish-speaking world, she is almost unknown among anglophones. Until now only a handful of her poems have been translated into English, giving at best a diluted impression of a uniquely intense imagination. This bilingual edition reveals the power and beauty of this poet's Spanish poems through English versions of corresponding force. It invites readers to enter Terán's world--a world at once strongly Venezuelan and universally human, imbued with great beauty, sardonic humor, pitiless compassion, lucid wisdom, and joyful affirmation. Selected from several volumes of Terán's work, these poems span half a century of composition and show an extraordinary range in both form and substance. Some are written in closed forms, some in free verse. Some are carefully evocative representations of the landscapes and cityscapes that have nourished the poet's intelligence and imagination. Others are dramatic character studies. All are infused with Terán's rare sensibility and realized through language that manages to be at once graceful, urgent, and explosive. This volume is a treasure for all lovers of poetry. Deal Struck with Happiness ? How much sweetness to make right the night and this clutch of anemones near thin smooth consoling stones, stones havens of southern weather. Of a woman wh...

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