Ahmed Sulaiman Yaro Teachers' Technology Competencies

Ahmed Sulaiman Yaro Teachers' Technology Competencies

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Information and communications technology, as applied to education, enhances the delivery and access to broad and detailed knowledge, and also improves the curriculum development through comparative study of universal curriculum. It produces richer learning outcomes when compared to education in the traditional method of teaching (face to face teaching). The study was aimed to explore the perceived knowledge of instructional technology competencies possessed by technical educators in the North Eastern Region of Nigeria. The design of the study was a survey and it involved all Technical Educators in Colleges of Educations and NCE awarding institutions in the North Eastern Nigeria. The researcher adopted the Massachusetts Technology Self-Assessment Tool in designing the instrument.The results obtained indicated that the Technical Educators perceived to have possessed instructional technology competencies, but their ability to ensure equitable access to technology resources and other tasks for all students in the class were found inadequate. The target audience for the work are teachers, students educational stake holders and the general public.

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