Katarina Wilk, Karin Shearman Perimenopower. The Ultimate Guide Through the Change

Katarina Wilk, Karin Shearman Perimenopower. The Ultimate Guide Through the Change

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Красота, здоровье и спорт

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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"If I don´t sleep soon, I´m going to die in one way or another."Have you woken up soaking with sweat in the middle of the night without knowing why? Have you found it difficult to go to sleep even though you have been completely exhausted? Are your mood swings so extreme that you hardly recognize yourself? Then you may have reached the perimenopause, a natural (but often difficult) phase in life for women that usually begins in their 40s. Many people recognize the word menopause, but think it occurs when you get close to 50. What most people don't know is that the symptoms, that can appear as early as 35+, could be caused by swinging hormones. But relax - help is on its way.This book is the ultimate guide for you who has started to experience strange symptoms with your sleep, mood, and body. Here you will learn everything about how and why the body reacts the way it does. You get the best tips, all in one place, for becoming well-rested, glowing, and in a better mood than ever! Read about sleep yoga, natural supplements, diet, exercise and, not least, the hormone estrogen - everything to help you get the right preconditions to discover your female superpower when the hormones swing - your perimenopower.Health and medicine journalist, Katarina Wilk, combines facts with personal experiences to inspire, guide and, above all, include you. You are far from alone in these symptoms. An audit of medical facts has been conducted by Evelina Sande Idenfeldt, chief physician ...

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