Jean-Baptiste Morin, James Herschel Holden Astrologia Gallica Book 22

Jean-Baptiste Morin, James Herschel Holden Astrologia Gallica Book 22

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Эзотерика и спиритизм

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This book is an English translation of Morin's treatise on Primary Directions, which constitutes Book 22 of his Astrologia Gallica, with appendices containing supplementary material relating to Book 22, and addenda containing fundamental astrological principles, in particular the Table of Universal Rulerships of the Planets from Book 13, the Universal Laws of Judgments of Solar and Lunar Returns from Book 23, and Aphorisms stating the Principal Laws of Transits along with Rules for the Prediction of Future Events from Book 24.This translation supplements Richard S. Baldwin's translation of Book 21 on Determinations (also published by the AFA). The two translations together provide a core subset of the theory of Natal Astrology set forth by J-B Morin (1583-1656), the leading figure of French astrology. Morin's theory is based upon the use of determinations and accidental significators. Thus, it differs radically from the common theory that largely ignores derived houses and uses universal significators. Also, it is event-oriented rather than esoteric or psychological. The translator, James Herschel Holden, is Research Director of the American Federation of Astrologers and has been especially interested in the history of astrology.

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