Kitty Moore Crafts For Kids (3rd Edition). 99 Fun Packed Projects For Kids Of All Ages! (Kids Crafts)

Kitty Moore Crafts For Kids (3rd Edition). 99 Fun Packed Projects For Kids Of All Ages! (Kids Crafts)

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Дом и хобби

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Keep your kids busy for hours with this massive list of crafts that are especially made for kids! What if you could leave your kids with any one of these 99 crafts and have them work on it for hours, enjoying it, and eventually creating something all by themselves? This is perfect for kids aged from 5 to 15 (with crafts for different age groups). Multi-time best selling arts & crafts author and influencer, Kitty Moore, presents the most popular and best selling children's craft book on Amazon. With kids of her own, and a love for everything arts & crafts related, Kitty has put together some of her favorite children's crafts that have kept her kids busy for hours. If you are struggling to get things done because your kids are keeping you busy...If you are sick of your kids only watching TV and playing video games...Or if you like the idea of receiving a full list of ready-to-go kids crafts that allow their imaginations to run wild... THEN THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! This is the 3rd edition of my book and after months of feedback and editing, my team and I have produced the best collection of kid crafts available on Amazon! In this book, you will get: Images included with every craft, so your kids can learn faster and see the finished patterns before beginning. A complete list of crafts that range in difficulty but also produce many types of finished items. Comprehensive step-by-step instructions so that your children can easily follow along (even if they have never d...

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