Augsburg Fortress Publishing, Richard C. H. Lenski The Interpretation of St. Mark's Gospel

Augsburg Fortress Publishing, Richard C. H. Lenski The Interpretation of St. Mark's Gospel

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Pastors and students of the Bible who seek deep and detailed engagement with the text of the New Testament have long relied on R. C. H. Lenski's classic text — now available again.Lenski's massive yet readable commentary has been deeply influential in pastoral circles that prize serious work with the Greek text, a strong theological exegesis (influenced by Lenski's Lutheran background and conservative theological convictions), and understanding how each text relates to life in Christ. Each passage is introduced by Lenski's original translation, followed by his exhaustive discussion of linguistic, historical, exegetical, and thematic points. Even though its historical-critical work has been surpassed, the strong narrative quality, accessibility, and "holy reverence for the the Word of God" (Moody Monthly) of Lenski's work have allowed his commentary to continue as an excellent resource for detailed study of the New Testament and sermon preparation.In this republication of Lenski's text, his twelve volumes are presented in a more manageable twenty books without altering the original at all.

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