Ellen James How to Walk Through and out of Depression. A Bible-Based Approach

Ellen James How to Walk Through and out of Depression. A Bible-Based Approach

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Sadly, depression has become the leading cause of suicide in America. Anyone who has suffered from depression knows that navigating through the dark corridors of the disease is a journey where, without guidance, can sometime leads us in the wrong direction.Ellen James relies on her years of experience as a therapist as well as her personal experiences witnessing those around her battle depression to help other sufferers see there is hope and a way out of the endless cycle of down moods and negative perceptions about ourselves, others, and life. In an insightful, practical workbook inspired by biblical concepts and helpful vignettes, James explores the core causes and contributors to depression, identifies types of depressed emotional states and potential pathways for change-making, and encourages others to establish methods of self-care, offering hope of improvement for anyone seeking God's strength and love to guide them on a journey to new beginnings.How To Walk through and Out of Depression is a faith-based workbook that helps those suffering from the disease to find hope and strength through a deeper relationship with God.

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