John L. Mason An Enemy Called Average

John L. Mason An Enemy Called Average

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This is the new, updated and expanded version of the national best-selling book, An Enemy Called Average, originally published in 1990. Stand Out - Don't Blend In!Within every person is a desire to be fully who they were created to be. No one really wants to "just get by". Regardless of where you are in life, how much you have or have not accomplished, God is not finished with you yet! Divided into 52 "nuggets" of truth, An Enemy Called Average is a source of godly wisdom, scriptural motivation, and practical principles. The words of this book will stir up the gifts and dreams within you. Instead of digging through ten pages to find one good idea, you'll find ten good ideas on every page. Think about it...• Your problem is your promotion• Worry is interest paid in advance on something you may never own• The faith to move mountains always carries a pick• People are born originals, but most die copies• Ideas go away, but direction stays• Stop every day and look at the size of God"John Mason wrote a very good book that I recommend you read: An Enemy Called Average. I learned from this book: 'Know your limits, then ignore them. The most unprofitable item ever manufactured is an excuse. Don't sit back and take what comes. Go after what you want' " (excerpt from her book, A Leader in the Making). - Joyce Meyer, Minister and Best-selling Author"The originality and practicality of John Mason's words and wisdom are a proven commodity...

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