Marco Conci Freud, Sullivan,Mitchell, Bion, And The Multiple Voices Of International Psychoanalysis

Marco Conci Freud, Sullivan,Mitchell, Bion, And The Multiple Voices Of International Psychoanalysis

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Marco’s curiosity has captured me from the very beginning. His surprising openness has impressed and touched me. I have found in his writing the gentle and free thinking of a child, a child curious to explore the analytic perspectives developed in North America, which also attract me for what I perceive as being their creativity – a creativity which I did not find in my own country, which is one of the reasons why I left it. Through his words I understood how important the history of psychoanalysis can be for us analytic candidates. It promotes an openness towards new worlds and new thoughts, allowing us to meet our fathers and to come in touch with their legacy. If this happens, this will allow us also to more easily find our own analytic identity. It is by establishing connections with little known paths and by looking for unexplored itineraries that we find our identity as human beings and even more as analysts. Freud himself gave priority to the yet unknown and unexplored aspects of our mental life.To meet the history of our field means not only getting to know other worlds and other lives, but also unexpectedly meeting pieces of our worlds and our life in unexplored continents. I thank Marco who, through his book, gives us the possibility to travel with him and get so well in touch with our multiple legacies.Chiara Bille, Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association

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