Suzanne Grace Maiden Spirit Untethered. A Psychotherapist's Journey from Terminal Cancer to Seeing the Dead

Suzanne Grace Maiden Spirit Untethered. A Psychotherapist's Journey from Terminal Cancer to Seeing the Dead

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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When you lose a loved one, the pain can feel unbearable, but what if you knew that the spirit of your loved one lived on? Author, psychotherapist, and psychic medium Suzanne Maiden can answer that-six months before she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she began to see dead people.In Spirit Untethered, Maiden recounts heartwarming stories of the deceased communicating messages of comfort and joy to loved ones left behind. Drawing on wisdom gleaned from both her own dance with death and her journey of mediumship, she illuminates the deathless nature of spirit and reveals that love is the vibration that links our world and spirit realms. If you're a skeptic or have ever wondered whether death offers a deeper meaning, then this heartfelt memoir serves as a reminder and gift for you.This personal narrative presents a collection of stories of spirit contact, shared by a woman whose experiences with cancer opened her to spiritual connection beyond her imagination.

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