J.R. MacGregor Business Biographies and Memoirs - Titans of Industry. Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Cornelius Vanderbilt

J.R. MacGregor Business Biographies and Memoirs - Titans of Industry. Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Cornelius Vanderbilt

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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J.R. MacGregor Business Biographies and Memoirs - Titans of Industry. Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Cornelius Vanderbilt - можно купить на официальном сайте нашего партнера ozon.ru. Также, на сайте доступно подробное описание и существует возможность ознакомиться с полным каталогом товаров. В интернет-магазине ozon.ru помогут оформить заказ и обсудят возможную доставку на дом.

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The five ‘Titans of Industry’ discussed in this series are, without a doubt, the most influential and impactful men in American history. Without any one of them, the entire landscape of the US would be different. They are the founders of the American economy. We live in a world today that is based on the actions of John D. Rockefeller. Everything we do and how we live are the result of oil and its power.J.P. Morgan is more than just the name on one of the largest banks in America; He built the financial world we live in today.Henry Ford not only revolutionized the automobile industry, but the assembly line he created has changed the way the entire world thinks about manufacturing.Grab a copy, pull up a chair, pour your favorite reading beverage, and dive into the lives of the men who built America.

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