Sabi Shepherd Real Estate Agent. How to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent

Sabi Shepherd Real Estate Agent. How to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Финансы

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Are you ready to begin your career in real estate?Then give yourself a kick-start in the industry by reading this book.You'll learn a step-by-step licensing process, and what comes next to bring you success as a Realtor®.Do you have questions about how to build your business? We can help with those concerns.After reading this book, you'll learn how to generate leads, create marketing plans that will help you compete with today's top producers, and know how to help sellers get the highest price for their homes.When you study and apply our unique strategies and proven skills, you’ll soon take advantage of all the opportunities the real estate industry offers.We’ll teach you how to adopt the professional attitude of a top producer.Your new skills and knowledge will give you the confidence and assurance you’ll need to conquer market challenges and become the director of your professional destiny.Before long, you’ll be setting a new standard of excellence, and others will be coming to you for advice and guidance. Presented with the current management software and digital tools, you’ll be able to brand yourself and create a remarkable image of success.We’ll teach you how to set and attain goals you never thought possible, turning yesterday’s dreams into tomorrow’s reality. Chapters will cover the following topics:The Attitude of a Real Estate AgentStep-by-Step Guide to Getting LicensedFive Activities Your First Five Weeks in the BusinessKeys to the Listing AppointmentWo...

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