Megan Georgiana Stop Procrastination. Simple Habits to Increase Productivity and Get Things Done

Megan Georgiana Stop Procrastination. Simple Habits to Increase Productivity and Get Things Done

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Stop Procrastination: Simple Habits to Increase Productivity and Get Things DoneAre you constantly starting things and never finishing them? Is your to-do list a mile long? Procrastination is a learned habit that you need to break – and that starts now!There’s a reason why you’re not getting things done. You’ve got a bad habit. Worse still – it’s one that impacts every facet of your life. It inhibits success and insidiously breaks apart your dreams. I’m talking about procrastination, the least innocent of all the bad life habits. In “Stop Procrastination,” I get to the meat and potatoes of the habit that’s been keeping you from achieving your goals, and living your best life. It’s time to wise up and realize that this problem isn’t going to magically go away on its own. You need to make it stop – and this is how!In this book you’ll learn:•The stages of procrastination that you’ve been actively practicing•How to recognize the warning signs of procrastination •All the very important reasons why procrastination is robbing you of your life•The opposite of procrastination and how to replace the habit•What a time management system looks like, and how it works•The most powerful modern techniques for overcoming procrastination•Dozens of tips, hacks and tools to make your life more productiveThere’s something right now that you’ve been trying to do for years. I know there is! Your habit of procrastinating has become so bad, you’ve stopped living your intended life.It’s time to stop th...

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