Juliana Frances Chefs Stories Unmasked. A Collection of Inspirational Stories and Lessons Learned on Their Road to Success

Juliana Frances Chefs Stories Unmasked. A Collection of Inspirational Stories and Lessons Learned on Their Road to Success

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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A serious reference for those embarking on a culinary career... International author and entrepreneur Juliana Frances shares a collection of inspirational stories from some of the world's most successful chefs. You'll gain valuable insights that have never been shared before. Top chefs and growers of fine food discuss and address the challenges and adversities faced throughout their careers in these amazing interviews. Their lessons, guidance, support and techniques will inspire you to enjoy and love cooking as much as they do. You'll learn: How to find your culinary niche and tackle it with a positive attitude and eagerness How to set your sights on your kitchen dream job and never look back Essential tips to think outside the box when it comes to where you'll cook How to know your own limitations and what to do if situations spiral out of control How to become a successful chef entrepreneur How other chefs became successful and how you can too Award winning tips, strategies and practical ideas of leading a successful food serviceIgnite your passion for cooking!

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