George Orwell 1984 George Orwell - Large Print Edition

George Orwell 1984 George Orwell - Large Print Edition

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Романы

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Because of the election of the new president, the book 1984 by George Orwell has sold out at the bookstores.This has led to reprinting 1984 in a large print edition with 18 point type to make it easier for us old people to read.The connection between the new president and the book 1984 is not obvious unless one has read the last part of the book.In 1984, the protagonist Winston Smith works for the “Ministry of Love”. His job is to insure that the general population love the government and its leader Big Brother.To insure that the people love Big Brother, Winston rewrites all the newspaper articles so that they correctly reflect the views of the current government.After having re-written an old newspaper article, he replaces it with the new article and then flushes the original article down the “memory hole”.He does this so thoroughly that in the future nobody will be able to find out what the real past was.The connection with new president should now be obvious. He talks constantly on TV today about “Fake News” and “Alternate Facts”.Many people obviously believe his version of the news because that is how he got elected. How this will turn out is the subject of this book.

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