Raey Golden Two Left Shoes

Raey Golden Two Left Shoes

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Two Left Shoes is a book of murder and intrigue on the mountain slopes of Colorado. The CID investigator of the US Army Criminal Investigation, Lt. Col. Dan Jorgensen, is visiting friends that he met at the end of World War II. His friends manage a ski lodge, and his presence brings back memories of anxiety and fear for his friends.A young woman’s body is found in an irrigation canal. A youngster rushes to the lodge in panic to report the find.The chief of police and a deputy county sheriff respond to the call. The deputy asked Dan to go with them to recover the dead body. Dan went with the officers and noticed some peculiar items pertaining to the body. The chief of police asked Dan for a meeting where Dan reported his findings. The meeting resulted in Dan being struck with Cupid’s arrow when he saw the police officer that recorded Dan’s statement. The attractive police officer, Grace Herndon, is apparently the target of Cupid’s arrows. A love at first sight develops.Dan’s observations appeared immediately in the local paper. This article painted a bull’s eye target on Dan’s back, figuratively, and Dan was almost immediately the target for several attempts on his life. The rest of the story follows the trend of attempts on his life.What is the power or source of the attempts?

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