Denis Ndogo Ekobena LEADERSHIP FROM THE INSIDE OUT. What Kind of a Leader are You.

Denis Ndogo Ekobena LEADERSHIP FROM THE INSIDE OUT. What Kind of a Leader are You.

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This book, Leading from the inside out calls upon leaders to look within themselves before they embark on leading others. Leading from the inside out constantly reminds the leader to look into the mirror and ask questions to the man within. It not just what you have learned as a leader that really counts, but whether you continue practicing the things you have learned. Leadership starts from within. Leaders are called agents of change, but how can you change others when you haven’t been changed?Dr. Ekobena blends spiritual and professional values. His numerous scriptural quotations and biblical stories sharply illustrated by contemporary examples are vivid. His Western and local illustrations reveal that the leadership plight is international. His insightfulness on the subject backed by his personal experience of several years drives his message home; if our world has to change; if we have to transform our society to a premier world like other developed nations; if the impact of Christianity has to be felt in our century, then we have to redo our leadership. Personality and performance have to blend, character and competence have to be become prime leadership pursuits, attitude and aptitude must intermingle, and integrity and instruction must become twin factors of our strengths. The one reveals the inner, being and the others the outward manifestations. The two are inseparable.This book thus helps us not only to know the way but to walk the way; to be models to future genera...

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