David Cruise Malloy, Donald Lyle Lang Golfing with the Enlightened Dead - Lessons on leadership and meaning from the pros

David Cruise Malloy, Donald Lyle Lang Golfing with the Enlightened Dead - Lessons on leadership and meaning from the pros

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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This book has been written for those who work as well as for those of us who might play golf regularly or just now and then. Specifically, it is written for those who desperately want to make work more than useless toil - rewarded only by a pay-cheque; and for those who wish to make leadership more than simply fulfilling organizational demands with "carrots and sticks". While this story takes place on a golf course, one does not need to play the game to appreciate the message. Though it is a book about the philosophy of work and leadership, one does not need to be a philosopher or even to have taken a course in philosophy to appreciate the message and the humour contained within. Anyone who is reflecting on their life as a working person would find this book helpful, funny, entertaining, completely different from other books about work or golf, and, most importantly - thought provoking. There are over 61 million people in the world that have conversations on a golf course.

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