Joe Farinaccio Small Trimarans. An Introduction

Joe Farinaccio Small Trimarans. An Introduction

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Красота, здоровье и спорт

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This is the Information Sailors and Prospective Boat Builders Want to Know About Today's Production and Homebuilt Small Trimarans. Imagine being able to sit down with experts for many of the new, most popular, and frequently sought after production or homebuilt small trimarans in the world today. Well, now you can! Are you ready for a behind-the-scenes look at some of your favorite small trimarans? This book includes the following information: 1) Newly published pictures and tips about these super fast, ultra-fun sailboats 2) What small trimaran might be best for you to buy or build3) The challenges to building your own and (how to overcome them)4) The purpose behind each featured design5) What makes each sailboat unique compared to others in the market6) How fast these boats go7) How easy (or challenging) they are to sail8) The biggest benefits associated with each boat9) Unique insights and stories from designersThere isn't a lot of "technical" information within these pages. Some information might fit into a technical section (if one were included), but there isn’t any because that wasn't a goal. It should be fairly easy to go on the Internet and uncover the technical data for any of these boats if you really want it. The simple goal of this particular work was to have those who are most knowledgeable discuss the stories and insights behind the sailboats they personally know -- in some cases, better than anyone else in the world.The small trimarans feat...

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