David B. Cohen Capturing the Spark. Inspired Teaching, Thriving Schools

David B. Cohen Capturing the Spark. Inspired Teaching, Thriving Schools

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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We all care about improving public education, but how do we find out what’s really happening in classrooms and schools? Veteran teacher David B. Cohen spent a year spent visiting public schools throughout California, discovering how students flourish when teachers capture the sparks of curiosity and inspiration. The result is Capturing the Spark: Inspired Teaching, Thriving Schools.From finger-painting to A.P. Physics experiments, Cohen takes readers into classrooms for students of all ages and in a wide variety of subjects, at schools enrolling dozens or thousands of students, in traditional or alternative programs. Take a look inside more than 60 schools. How are teachers blending traditional and innovative practices? How does quality teacher training make a difference over a teacher's career? What makes Teachers of the Year unique? What are unions doing to improve education? What does it mean for a teacher to achieve National Board Certification? What can we learn from teachers who create and lead new schools?A veteran teacher with experience in leadership roles in statewide organizations, Cohen came up with the idea for Capturing the Spark after he encountered a troubling dissonance regarding public education. He continually met teachers whose creativity and dedication were making a positive difference in their own schools and in the broader field. Yet, in the media, in politics, and even in casual conversations, he kept encountering fear and anxiety about the deterio...

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