Various The Pointer - A Dog Anthology (A Vintage Dog Books Breed Classic)

Various The Pointer - A Dog Anthology (A Vintage Dog Books Breed Classic)

Категория: Книги

Товарная группа: Книги

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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THE POINTER - A DOG ANTHOLOGY gathers together all the best early writing on the breed from our library of scarce, out-of-print antiquarian books and documents and reprints it in a quality, modern edition. This anthology includes chapters taken from each of the following books, all of them written by renowned breed experts of their day. All of the original photos and illustrations are also reproduced. Contains Chapters From: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF THE DOG By Vero Shaw - This rare and desirable work was first published in parts over the years 1879 - 1881 and thoroughly described every aspect of over sixty breeds of dogs. Vero Shaw was a leading authority and editor of dog books and periodicals in the late nineteenth century, but this particular comprehensive work stands as a final testimony to his immense knowledge of the subject. Each breed was discussed in detail. Their physical points, temperaments,, and special abilities are given; celebrated dogs are discussed and pictured; and the history of the breed and pedigrees of famous champions are also provided. This classic work strongly influenced the direction of dog breeding in its time and for decades after. Also, BRITISH DOGS - THE VARIOUS BREEDS. THE POINTS, SELECTION, SPECIAL TRAINING & MANAGEMENT, AND SHOW PREPARATION By W. D. Drury with contributions from numerous authorities. Originally published in two volumes in 1888, but a new edition of 1903 encompassed both volumes. It discusses in great detail over sixty dog...

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