Emmie Martins How To Win Friends And Influence People Agenda. Write Down Your Favorite Things, Gratitude, Inspirations, Quotes, Sayings . Notes About Your Secrets Of How To Win Friends And Influence People In Your Personal Law Of Attraction Jounal Notebook

Emmie Martins How To Win Friends And Influence People Agenda. Write Down Your Favorite Things, Gratitude, Inspirations, Quotes, Sayings . Notes About Your Secrets Of How To Win Friends And Influence People In Your Personal Law Of Attraction Jounal Notebook

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Have You read How to Win Friends & Influence People?If so you know that it is a classic book read by millions. What's more important though is the following question.How many of those millions of readers have actually incorporated the 30 principles outlined in the book into their daily lifestyle?It’s cool to read an amazing and insightful book that is a bestseller and that has been tested and proventhroughout time, but it is yet a totally different animal to apply these lessons, rules & principles into daily practice and reality being able to influence people in a positive manner just like it is taught in the original. This journal is your next step after reading the successful book that inspired Millions. The goal of this journal though is to get you to practice and exercise Carnegie’s principles just as his many students did through the use of daily journaling.This journal is your tool and companion of the original book so you can apply each teaching and lesson from the book and put it into daily journaling action. Challenge yourself each day and practice different principles from the book by reflecting and then journaling about whatever you are experiencing as you go through your daily lesson of the original. Use up as much journaling space as you need for your daily journaling because the key to learning is repetition. It is the goal of this diary that you will apply all the principles and concepts that are covered in the book one at a time and then go to appl...

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