Pascal R. Politano A Sharp Seasoning of Truth. A Comprehensive Commentary in Pursuit of Genuine National Security

Pascal R. Politano A Sharp Seasoning of Truth. A Comprehensive Commentary in Pursuit of Genuine National Security

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Précis for A Sharp Seasoning of TruthThough myriad books have appeared in recent years centering on America's foreign and domestic policies, they have not addressed the overall state of the Union. None of those books has made an analysis sufficiently comprehensive to light up the dark corners of those matters in national affairs vital to the general popular interest and which must be addressed for the United States to remain truly united and continue to prosper. Those books are too compartmentalized. Focused mainly on one subject of vital interest and importance, they fail to reveal the entire canvas, with all its important aspects and, not least, co-relationships. The citizens of this country are entitled to and must have a comprehensive evaluation of the true status quo if this nation is to survive. The intention of this book therefore, is to illuminate the entire stage of national socio-political activity, not least its direction.

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