Md. Zihad Khan,M. Nazrul Islam and Abdullah Mahsum Water Quality Of The Buriganga River

Md. Zihad Khan,M. Nazrul Islam and Abdullah Mahsum Water Quality Of The Buriganga River

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The Buriganga River is flowing beside the Dhaka city but the river is being polluted through various ways such as industrial effluents, household waste,people are throwing garbage etc.To measure the deterioration of water quality,an empirical study was made.The water sample of the river was examined in the laboratory.The various parameters of the water such as Dissolved Oxygen(D.O), Biochemical Oxygen Demand(B.O.D),pH,Chlorine etc.were examined which reveals the state of the water.The present study shows D.O,B.O.D,pH, Alkalinity etc. already have exceeded the approval limit for various human purposes which indicate pollution of the river.To study the impact of the water pollution of the river questionnaire survey were conducted which implies most of the users are suffering from various diseases, respiratory problem, dysentery,diarrhea etc. The study also shows the sources of pollution most of these are industrial pollution. However the present research shall be helpful to know the state of water quality and its impact on surrounding area.Adequate steps and proper planning may be adopted to supply fresh and pollution free water.

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