Sylvester T. Arrey Mastering Alternative Diplomacy in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding

Sylvester T. Arrey Mastering Alternative Diplomacy in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding

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Given the challenges facing the world, it is necessary to incorporate new approaches in how things are done. Stressing that this is time for solutions not trading of blames, this book introduces what it calls alternative diplomacy, highlighting its relevance and why turning to it is expedient. Using The Elders, an organization composed of eminent former world leaders it contends that peaceful approaches in tackling issues are quite fruitful, yielding plausible results without leaving seeds of future conflicts. Coercion and intrigues as often used in Track I Diplomacy are increasingly counterproductive. Soft power, especially when used within the framework of alternative diplomacy is quite rewarding. Many things have evolved including the causes and nature of violence. Therapies must evolve proportionately because new maladies will not respond adequately to old therapies. Stakeholders should thus break free from holdbacks and urge themselves to dare to think and act differently. This will be an important material for diplomats, people interested in world affairs, foreign policy, as well as humanitarian and peace workers, especially those in reconciliation & peacebuilding circles.

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