Madan Gopal Sharma,Awadhesh Upadhyay and Vandana Sharma Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Addiction and Therapy

Madan Gopal Sharma,Awadhesh Upadhyay and Vandana Sharma Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Addiction and Therapy

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In this era of cut throat competition every body has to face success and failure in life. Modern youths are makers of the world but unfortunately some of these youths are being captured by drugs like devil. This is a serious and worldwide challenge for every lover of humanity and society. To save the youths from addiction the world endeavor by different scheme, yet the people don’t get desired success. The book centers on the problems of drug addicts like use of drugs, their types, danger with other drugs, progression of the disease, some myth, escape from danger related to society and lovers. The book majorly concern methods of complete treatment of drug addicts who no help to get out of it. Thirteen therapeutic techniques have been systematically analyzed here that is the soul of the book. After the treatment of drug addicts their rehabilitation has been perfectly and broadly highlighted. Finally the book will be proved as a ‘torch bearer’ to those who are actively engaged in the field of teaching, research, treatment and rehabilitation programs. At last, it is my utmost request to my all honorable readers to send me their invaluable suggestions and comments on the book.

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