Max Plitt Social Media Marketing. Build Your Online Business, Brand and Influence In 2019 By Marketing And Advertising on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter And Pinterest To Scale Your Audience And Network

Max Plitt Social Media Marketing. Build Your Online Business, Brand and Influence In 2019 By Marketing And Advertising on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter And Pinterest To Scale Your Audience And Network

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Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Social Media Marketing Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest Are you wanting to build your Online business, Brand or Influence? Struggling to reach more people and convert your audience into loyal customers? If so, keep reading… This books dives into the core principles and secrets towards mastering Marketing and Advertising skills on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest, to scale your audience to levels that you did not think were possible. Social Media has the power to reach the world and if you do it right you will have an unlimited customer base by following the steps in this book. The best time to plant and organise your social media accounts properly was 5 years ago, the second best time is NOW! Here Is What You’ll learn About… Why Social Media is going to change your business Gain both Organic and paid customer (traffic) in the most effective way The number 1 mistake you might make on social media that is killing your potential growth 6 reasons why people fail when building their Social Media presence How to build your business and personal brand via social media How to use social media for specifically franchises 5 reasons why small business find it easier to gain more customers through Social Media Factors you need to consider and what social platform suits you best The difference between Marketing and Advertising and how to take advantage of each in the most effective way possible A simple 5-step process to follow when researching your m...

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