April S Moore Gifts and Callings Expanded Edition. Deeper Foundations - What Can You Do With the Fire of the Holy Spirit Living Inside You.

April S Moore Gifts and Callings Expanded Edition. Deeper Foundations - What Can You Do With the Fire of the Holy Spirit Living Inside You.

Категория: Книги

Товарная группа: Книги

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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What can you do with the fire of the Holy Spirit living inside of you? This book majors on the foundation of all gifts mentioned in the Bible. The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, The Service Gifts and the Ascension Gifts (5-Fold Callings). It is unique in that it starts each gift with its meaning from the original Greek language in which it was written. You will also learn how the gifts operated in the Bible and see biblical and present day examples of those with callings and more. The book gives systematic training and opportunities to study deeper in group settings or bible studies. This book is for anyone that: - Has been operating in the Gifts of the Spirit and Callings given to them by the Lord - Wants to operate in their gifts - Is not sure if they are operating in their gifts - Wants to develop and train lay members and church leadership

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