Aaron Anastasi The Voice of Your Dreams. Turn Down the Voices of Limitation and Turn Up the Volume of Success

Aaron Anastasi The Voice of Your Dreams. Turn Down the Voices of Limitation and Turn Up the Volume of Success

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Товарная группа: Книги

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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In a how-to saturated culture, we often know the path to the things we want in life. If we would just stay on that path, then success (vocationally, relationally, and financially) is a likely byproduct... right?! The problem comes when we allow our limiting voices, our negative self-talk, to continually derail us from that path. The more insidious part is that we usually don't even realize we're being guided by these internal voices, because we've become so accustomed to living with them. We instead begin to believe that their whisperings are simply the truth about life. This book will show you how to silence limiting voices—that may be impeding your progress—and help you to live into the greatest version of you. The voice of your dreams is calling to you, but it can be difficult to hear when the voices of limitation are shouting so much louder. It’s time to heed the call.In a how-to saturated culture, we often know the path to the things we want in life. If we would just stay on that path, then success (vocationally, relationally, and financially) is a likely byproduct... right?! The problem comes when we allow our limiting voices, our negative self-talk, to continually derail us from that path. The more insidious part is that we usually don't even realize we're being guided by these internal voices, because we've become so accustomed to living with them. We instead begin to believe that their whisperings are simply the truth about life. This book wil...

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