Briggs Chayo Your Credit Defines Your Creditability. The Genetic Make-up of Credit

Briggs Chayo Your Credit Defines Your Creditability. The Genetic Make-up of Credit

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Chayo Briggs was born in Compton, California, and as a highly successful real estate investor for the last eighteen years, Briggs's inner drive for success was set in motion early on by his parents. He is the President of Briggs & Lay Pro Incorporated. Besides his multitude of real estate services, Briggs is an effective motivational speaker and published author. He has experienced various levels of human culture which elevated him to expert status and skill to help people overcome their credit issues. Your Credit Defines Your Creditability is designed as a pathway to understanding what contributes to an excellent credit rating. We know such issues are daunting, but you may need to borrow money from a lender. We need to understand and learn that the concept of good credit defines our creditability, so we must learn to delete toxic accounts such as collections, inquiries, charge-offs and public records. Therefore, having a good credit score will make the process easier. Your credit score determines two things that can affect your loan approval. First, lending money entails risk, and lenders need to know you are reliable. Second, your credit score determines the terms of your loan.Briggs understands the key to success comes through life experience; for that reason, he assists clients in procuring their prosperous future, breaking the chains of financial distress. The basic concepts of credit stability are simple, but most people see these topics as taboo, when in fact t...

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