Dan Abrahams Soccer Brain. The 4C Coaching Model for Developing World Class Player Mindsets and a Winning Football Team

Dan Abrahams Soccer Brain. The 4C Coaching Model for Developing World Class Player Mindsets and a Winning Football Team

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Coaching soccer is demanding. Impossible to perfect, it requires a broad knowledge of many performance areas including technique, tactics, psychology and the social aspects of human development. The first two components are covered in detail in many texts - but Soccer Brain uniquely offers a comprehensive guide to developing the latter two - player mindsets and winning teams.The environment that a coach creates, and the relationships formed with players, is the bedrock of performance and achievement. Coaches who are able to deliver students of the game, and who are able to help players execute skills and tactics under pressure are the future leaders of the world's most loved sport.Soccer Brain teaches coaches to train players to compete with confidence, with commitment, with intelligence, and as part of a team. The positive messages from each chapter of Soccer Brain help coaches to develop players through patience, repetition, reinforcement, re-appraisal and high value relationships.Soccer Brain is for the no limits coach. It's for the coach who is passionate about developing players and building a winning team. This is not a traditional soccer coaching book filled with drills or tactics or playing patterns. This book is about getting the very best from you, the coach, and helping you develop a coaching culture of excellence and world class football mindsets. This book is for Soccer Coaches of all levels and experience.Written by Dan Abrahams, the best-selling author ...

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