Andy Shackleton Arctic Cycle. Two Wheels, Ice and Fire

Andy Shackleton Arctic Cycle. Two Wheels, Ice and Fire

Категория: Книги

Товарная группа: Путешествия, путеводители

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Fast enough to see a lot; slow enough to see it all: bicycle travel is unique. The book exploits this fact as observation, first hand experience, chance encounter, memories and research are blended with the rigours of cycle travel. Spawned by a bicycle journey around the shores of Iceland, from initial preparation to conclusion by way of The Faroe, Shetland and Orkney Islands, taboos are broken down and snapshots of just what a body is capable of, given determination and opportunity, are revealed. From fifty year old childhood memories to more recent ones of travel to far flung exotic locations, souls are bared, doubts, disappointments aired, thrills shared. Combined with an unvarying search for detail and a wicked sense of humour in a style that informs, encourages, surprises, stirs and entertains, the result is suitable for armchair and reality travellers alike.An avid traveller, runner, skier, cyclist ..... and unbelievably poor surfer .... Andy is no stranger to physical challenges. It is only natural that his first book should concern the biggest challenge of his life. A regular marathon runner, he freely admits that cycling round Iceland was the hardest thing he has ever done. Designing and making has been Andy Shackleton's life. For over thirty years he taught those skills to others. In his spare time he has tackled anything from simple DIY to major house and classic car renovation. Following early retirement he sought further creative challenges. And added writing...

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