Vinod Nair Sreekumar, Anjana Ravindran, Babu Mathew Epidemiology of oral cancer. Precancerous lesions and conditions, primary prevention and surgical management

Vinod Nair Sreekumar, Anjana Ravindran, Babu Mathew Epidemiology of oral cancer. Precancerous lesions and conditions, primary prevention and surgical management

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

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Document from the year 2017 in the subject Medicine - Epidemiology, , course: MDS, language: English, abstract: This paper deals with Epidemiology of oral cancer. Precancerous lesions and conditions, primary prevention, surgical management and other topics will be shown. Oral cancer is one of the ten leading cancers in the world. Globally the age adjusted incidence rates for oral cancer in men varies from 2.2/100000 in Japan to 22.5/100000 in Brazil; and in women from 0.9/100000 in Japan to 17.2/100000 in Bangalore. In south East Asia, it is the leading cancer in males and the third leading cancer in females. For description the following subsites are included in oral cancers: lip.tongue,gum, floor of mouth, buccal mucosa palate and other parts of the mouth (ICD-0140,141,143,144,145)There is considerable international, national, interethnic variation in the distribution of cancer in intraoral sites. Cancer of the buccal mucosa, lower alveolus and the retro molar trigone are grouped together as cancers of gingivo buccal complex and can be aptly called as the Indian oral cancer as they constitute 60% of all oral cancer in India. Tongue and floor of mouth cancers form the bulk of oral cancers in the west.

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