Mindscope Seven Silent, but Superhero. Releasing Your Power and Purpose

Mindscope Seven Silent, but Superhero. Releasing Your Power and Purpose

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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A masterfully paradoxical approach to resolving conflict. Providing the tools necessary for transformative, and lasting change. Not for the Faint of Heart! Join MindScope Seven for the discovery of breakthroughs, in conquering monumental mountains, that few ever find the strength, wisdom, or endurance to climb. A revolutionary guide to overcoming obstacles and living life as Authentic Self; While in a world beckoning the opposite, then rewarding with despair, loss, and doom. Her paradoxical style goes against the expected, to render results in the most complicated, and even dangerous situations. With a strong perception of human behavior, combined with her humble beginnings she was forced to invent ways of overcoming disadvantaged positions. She learned to use disadvantage as the advantage! Understanding that her unique set of skills and abilities were for the very purpose of serving fellow man; Oftentimes, against institutional flaws that worked against them. Her desire to find ethical, effective, people-oriented solutions led her to unusual approaches, that yielded results others were not willing or able to match. Her spiritual foundation has always been the cornerstone, guiding her often unusual approach and desire to serve mankind. A gift to any who have quietly suffered abuse, oppression, or invisibility from the labels and boxes devised of Oppressors, holding our lives as hostage. When our families are hurting or injured, it festers and magnifies to the communities, ext...

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