Jane Ann McLachlan The Girl Who Would Be Queen

Jane Ann McLachlan The Girl Who Would Be Queen

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Детективы, триллеры

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Ruling a kingdom in the 14th Century was no task for a woman.When Robert of Naples died in 1342, beautiful, sixteen-year-old Joanna and her sister Maria became the sole heirs to one of the largest, wealthiest and most sophisticated kingdoms in Europe.Born in a male-dominated world in the passionate south of Italy, and surrounded by ambitious male cousins with an equal claim to the crown, will these sisters be able to maintain control over their kingdom? With only their wits, beauty, and the love of their people to aid them, Joanna and Maria, bound together by their strong love and fierce rivalry, are prepared to do anything to hold onto their beloved Kingdom.But can they survive a kidnapping, court intrigues, civil war, and even murder tearing their Kingdom apart? Find the answer in this gripping true story of 14th Century Europe.Start reading The Girl Who Would Be Queen by multi-award-winning author Jane Ann McLachlan today.Praise for The Girl Who Would Be Queen:"Absolutely fascinating!" ~D. D., Amazon reader"Be prepared for the ride – once you start, you won’t want to stop reading until the princesses meet their fates." ~ Barbara B., Amazon reader."I couldn't breeze through this detail-rich book, nor could I put it down. It's a historical drama, first and foremost, but one leavened with romance, betrayal, greed and discovery." ~R, Campbell, Amazon reader."If you love the historical genre this is a must read." M.48, Amazon reader."...

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