Jerome Constantine Godfrey God Becomes Man. A Complete PG-13 Realistic Gospel Romance Adventure Story of Jesus, the Nazarene

Jerome Constantine Godfrey God Becomes Man. A Complete PG-13 Realistic Gospel Romance Adventure Story of Jesus, the Nazarene

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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With this HANDY 6x9" edition, your teenager will be thrilled to discover how Jesus might have spent his youth in preparation to become the Messiah. This faux biography of Jesus reconstructs the historic settings in which Jesus lived as one of us. The "missing years" are an interpolation of the birth story and his mission. The characters are presented with mundane motives and concerns, offering familiarity to the Believer and relevance to those in doubt. This set of four Gospel novels depicts the Trinity at work as God prepares His son to deal with his own flesh in this material world. As you preview the carefully worded sexual passages, your eyes will open to the modern dilemma that young people face today. You will recognize the Holy Spirit's voice, as God molds and forges Jesus in the same way that Jesus can mold and forge you. Both the humanity of Jesus and his divinity are portrayed in this romantic story of the adventure that Jesus began - an adventure that continues to this day.

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