Gay Ivey, Douglas Fisher Creating Literacy-Rich Schools for Adolescents

Gay Ivey, Douglas Fisher Creating Literacy-Rich Schools for Adolescents

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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In Creating Literacy-Rich Schools for Adolescents, authors Gay Ivey and Douglas Fisher make a compelling case that all teachers—across the content areas—have a role to play in students’ development of literacy, which they define as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing.Rather than focusing solely on reading instruction and the cliché that says “all teachers are teachers of reading,” they urge teachers to incorporate rich literacy-based learning experiences into their classrooms, with the goal of helping students to learn and think across the curriculum. With research-based findings, engaging examples, and extensive lists of resources, Ivey and Fisher encourage readers to*Reexamine the materials, experiences, and expectations of the English/language arts classroom;*Use strategies to improve literacy in all the content areas and seek alternatives to the traditional textbook;*Make independent reading an important part of students’ ongoing literacy development;*Design and use interventions that really work for struggling students; and*Consider the schoolwide elements—professional development, peer coaching, leadership, and assessment—that should be in place to support teachers and students.Essential questions provide the focus for each chapter, and Quality Indicators for Secondary Literacy help readers gauge where they are on the continuum of providing a meaningful literacy experience for students. Creating Literacy-Rich Schools for Adolescents will inspire educators...

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