Mark Binder Every Hero Has a Story

Mark Binder Every Hero Has a Story

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Развитие ребенка

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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A flash flood rips a Prince and Princess from their carriage. Lost and alone in the deluge, they find refuge in a barn filled with strangers. Gathering around the fire to keep warm, one by one these unknown women and men began to tell their stories.From Giant Killer Jack and The Last Voyage of of Sinbad to the World's First Story, this chapter book of adventures will keep you turning pages. Every summer, libraries across the country sponsor summer reading programs. This year, award-winning author and story performer Mark Binder has assembled a collection of adventures that can be enjoyed by children and parents of all ages. "Every summer I share my stories in libraries," author Mark Binder explained. "Summer reading shouldn't be a chore. My goal with this book is to create a collection of stories that every family member can enjoy, from the youngest to the oldest, including parents." Some of the stories are familiar adventures that the Princess and Prince while others are unexpected, whimsical and fantastic. Every Hero Has a Story is designed to be read to young children or read by older children. Parents and youngsters alike will delight in the stories as the tales spin. By the end of the evening the stories have done more than just pass the time, they have changed the lives of the Prince and Princess forever. "You've heard of books that are meant to be read across an entire state? This is a book that can be read across an entire family." ...

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