Brandon New Orthodontic Braces Ruin Your Child's Physical Health, Cause Brain Damage, Cause Neurological Damage, Ruin Emotional Health, Reduce Usable I.Q., Damage Sports Coordination

Brandon New Orthodontic Braces Ruin Your Child's Physical Health, Cause Brain Damage, Cause Neurological Damage, Ruin Emotional Health, Reduce Usable I.Q., Damage Sports Coordination

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This book describes how orthodontic braces cause brain damage, nerve damage, and damage sports coordination in children and teenagers, as well as cause severe pain in their mouth, teeth, and gums. The author explains how braces ruin mathematical and scientific ability, by interfering with, and damaging the analytical sections in the frontal and parietal lobes of the human brain. This book explains how orthodontists commit fraud by lying to parents of potential patients, trying to instill fear, claiming that their children need orthodontic treatment, when no treatment is necessary. Pediatric fraud is the latest scheme. Utilizing specific applications of modern physics, the author explains how teeth are structurally damaged, and break apart, due to molecular structural bond damage. The author explains how orthodontic practices on children are very dangerous and unscientific, and damages the molecular structure of teeth.

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