Rose Marie Berger Bending the Arch

Rose Marie Berger Bending the Arch

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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In answer to Seamus Heaney's Station Island and Pablo Neruda's The Heights of Machu Picchu, Berger unmasks the worldview of westward expansion from architect Eero Saarinen's arch in St. Louis to the Golden Gate in a way that subtly and mystically taps the unconsciousness of the intended audience. When she writes ""We never entered the West on bended knee,"" the impurity of language used in this epic creates tension between discourses and creates a charge or pressure on each sentence that pushes the reader toward declaring an allegiance. Drawing on historical documents, the Latin Mass, and multivalent voices, Berger moves through the anguish of unintended consequences and leads the reader through the ""ghost dance"" of feeling to the powerful Pacific Ocean, which enters human consciousness like a dream. Entangled historical memory, climate crisis, and inverse expansionism compress into a spiritual reckoning to face the world to come.""In St. Louis for a baptism during the great flood of 1993 (both themes prominent in these poems), Berger looked through Saarinen's Arch and saw all the way to the Farallon Islands. . . . This is 'decolonizing poetry': literate, theologically rich, and densely annotated.""--Ched Myers, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries""Rose Berger is doing poetic alchemy in her new book, Bending The Arch. She does it right before us. She is mixing vision with insight, words with symbo...

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