K. E. Lytle Reactive Hypoglycemia. A Personal Journey Into Managing This Condition

K. E. Lytle Reactive Hypoglycemia. A Personal Journey Into Managing This Condition

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

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Hypoglycemia literally means low blood sugar. It occurs when the level of blood sugar in the body is too low to adequately fuel the body. Reactive hypoglycemia is hypoglycemia that occurs in response to eating certain types of food. When there is not enough glucose in the blood for the body to function properly or when the descent of blood sugar occurs too quickly, multiple symptoms can occur. The symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe. You might think if one is experiencing low blood sugar; the answer would be to just eat more sugar. But, for people with reactive hypoglycemia, that only makes symptoms worse. Blood sugar conditions have been on the rise not only in the United States, but worldwide. Conditions such as Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Syndrome X, and Reactive Hypoglycemia are becoming more prevalent. This is the story of my life with reactive hypoglycemia. This book will take you on my journey of how I went from a person who ate any and everything, to someone who achieved better health by taking control over my diet. If you suffer from this condition or know someone who does, this book will provide insight into how to manage this condition. While there is not "cure" for reactive hypoglycemia, it can be managed so that you live a normal life. I hope this book is an inspiration and that it shows you that with discipline and proper food selection, you can live a normal and productive life with reactive hypoglycemia.

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