Arthur Penzl, Dave Pearce, Cassius SNAPSHOT - Nxt unsurpassable blockchain solutions

Arthur Penzl, Dave Pearce, Cassius SNAPSHOT - Nxt unsurpassable blockchain solutions

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

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"SNAPSHOT - Nxt, unsurpassable blockchain solutions" is a collection of articles, which, after an introduction to the concept of blockchain technology, looks into the history of Nxt, the world's first user-, and business oriented PoS blockchain 2.0 platform. From its tumultuous launch in 2013, the pros and cons of its distribution model and the anonymous inventor, BCNext, who handed over the source code to the community and gave them the responsibility to enhance the tech and ecosystem, it takes the reader on a journey through ups and downs, features, use cases, business projects and bank/government adoption of the tech.The multi million dollar fintech and blockchain industry advances at a rapid pace these years, so why is Nxt, an underfunded open source project, still the most advanced? In 228 pages the book articles tell the story of how a group of mostly anonymous people, investors, cryptographers, economists, and not least software developers and businesses set out to change the world.

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