Joel Bresler The Moskowitz Code

Joel Bresler The Moskowitz Code

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Myron Moskowitz is a pretty uneventful guy. He has an uneventful job, an uneventful wife and a still more uneventful marriage. Myron Moskowitz's life is so devoid of anything even remotely eventful it is not inconceivable that, if one day he just ceased to exist, he probably would not even notice.Or would he? Myron – Mike, to everyone in the world except his mother, Celia – is about to find out.Succumbing to both whatever bug has been going around lately and Celia's insistence that he see the doctor, Mike pays a visit to his long-time GP. After rattling off a list of his symptoms and being told, "It's going around," Mike's doctor, pecking away at a desk-borne computer, begins to enter his patient's diagnostic code. But a split second's distraction from the keyboard results in what should have suggested a garden-variety strain of flu instead entering Mike's permanent, electronic medical record as something infinitely more exotic - and frighteningly more sinister.With that single, errant keystroke, Mike's uneventful life is suddenly launched on a trajectory toward becoming a very eventful life, indeed.The mistake might never have come to light had Mike not, also at Celia's insistence, applied for a life insurance policy. His application with The Itinerant Life & Casualty Company is turned down on the grounds that, by all accounts, he should have already experienced his own particularly unpleasant demise before the ink on his paper...

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