Brian Patrick Davis Songs about Boys

Brian Patrick Davis Songs about Boys

Категория: Литература на иностранных языках

Товарная группа: Литература на иностранных языках

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Twenty-four-year-old Sidney McKenna is an aspiring songwriter and hopeless romantic with an appetite for independence. Thanks to his successful parents and a family friend, Sidney has the means to pursue his dream of becoming a force in the competitive, straight, and male-dominated music industry that pumps through the heart of Atlanta, Georgia.Although everyone believes in Sidney’s talent and supports his eagerness to continue his journey in such an uncertain industry, he begins to second guess himself when faced with the hip-hop community’s open opposition of the gay lifestyle. As Sidney attempts to prove himself to his peers, he is also challenged with the scrutiny that accompanies life in the public eye as well as an unexpected romance with the power to forever change the course of his life and career. Now it is up to Sidney to navigate through a world filled with highs and lows, taboos, and jealousy in order to attain what he has always wanted.In this urban tale, an aspiring songwriter sets out on a quest to find self-sufficiency, success, and love while pulling back the curtain to expose Atlanta’s exciting, but fickle music industry.

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