Asim A. Khan, M. Saeed Sharif, M. Umer Sohail Laundering Effect on Resin Finished Fabric

Asim A. Khan, M. Saeed Sharif, M. Umer Sohail Laundering Effect on Resin Finished Fabric

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Научная литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Textile in general and apparel in particular have the highest consumption throughout the world. There are several factors that determine what would be the actual requirement of expenditures on textiles. In all the factors; life of a garment is the most important factor. Here our focus would be on resin finish fabric which comes under the title of special finishes. A garment undergoes several washes during its life cycle. In every washing it is exposed to two factors, one is physical friction and second is the chemicals. Combine effects of physical friction and chemicals reduce the life of the garment. Resins are basically cross linkers which bind with the fabric surface and make a bond with fabric structure and spread over the fabric in form of a thin layer. This layer resists the effects of physical friction and chemicals, with the passage of time and laundering this layer gets weaker and weaker. This book is based on the study of physical and chemicals effects that resin finished fabric undergoes due to successive home laundering. All the observations in form of graphs, pictures and tabular illustrations are included to understand this manuscript.

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