Emerson Hough Desperados . Cow-Punchers. the Making of the Western Frontier-The Story of the Outlaw and The Passing of the Frontier

Emerson Hough Desperados . Cow-Punchers. the Making of the Western Frontier-The Story of the Outlaw and The Passing of the Frontier

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Научная литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Two riveting accounts of bad men, gunslingers and cowboysThis book contains two accounts of the American Western Frontier—the ‘Old Wild West’—by Emerson Hough, who was a well-known and prolific writer of highly regarded western stories and historical novels and an expert on the reality of those exciting times. He was a colleague of George Bird Grinnell who is also in the first rank of Western frontier historians and Hough’s work won the praise of President Theodore Roosevelt who was an enthusiastic frontiersman. The first, and longest, book in this special Leonaur edition is about the perennially popular subject of Western outlaws. Hough describes the activities of infamous desperados including the most infamous locations of their dark deeds from California to Texas. The careers of several ‘bad-men’ are charted, including the lawman/outlaw Henry Plummer, the killer-cannibal Boone Helm, the gun-fighter Joseph (Jack) Slade and, of course, the incomparable Wild Bill Hickok. Several range wars also come under Hough’s scrutiny including the Lincoln County and Stevens County Wars. The book includes notable anecdotes of gun-fights including ‘the Fight of Buckskin Roberts’, one of Pat Garrett’s man-hunts and others. The second book in this edition concerns those westerners who carved out a new nation including the pathfinders, the pioneers, the homesteaders, the miners, the soldiers in ‘dirty-shirt blue’ who fought the American Indian tribes and the ‘cattle barons’ and cowboys who dr...

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