Paul N. Hasluck Furniture and Cabinet-Making - With Instructions and Illustrations on Constructing Household Furniture, Including Various Cabinet Designs for Different Uses - The Handyman.s Book of Woodworking

Paul N. Hasluck Furniture and Cabinet-Making - With Instructions and Illustrations on Constructing Household Furniture, Including Various Cabinet Designs for Different Uses - The Handyman.s Book of Woodworking

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Дом и хобби

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Paul N. Hasluck Furniture and Cabinet-Making - With Instructions and Illustrations on Constructing Household Furniture, Including Various Cabinet Designs for Different Uses - The Handyman.s Book of Woodworking - можно купить на официальном сайте нашего партнера Также, на сайте доступно подробное описание и существует возможность ознакомиться с полным каталогом товаров. В интернет-магазине помогут оформить заказ и обсудят возможную доставку на дом.

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This is a classic guide to woodworking that focuses on making a variety of cabinets and similar items of household furniture. Including instructions for designing and practical step-by-step directions, this timeless volume will be of utility to DIY enthusiasts and those with an interest in woodwork in general. Paul Nooncree Hasluck (1854 - 1916) was an Australian engineer and editor. He was a master of technical writing and father of the 'do-it-yourself' book, producing many books on subjects including engineering, handicrafts, woodwork, and more. Other notable works by this author include: "Treatise on the Tools Employed in the Art of Turning" (1881), "The Wrath-Jobber's Handy Book" (1887), and "Screw-Threads and Methods of Producing Them" (1887). Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.

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